HPCSA challenged on disclosure of clinical information to medical schemes - Medical Brief 262 - 18 July 2019

HPCSA challenged on disclosure of clinical information to medical schemes - Medical Brief 262 - 18 July 2019

Medical Brief 262 - 18 July 2019


"AsclepiusThe Health Professions Council of SA recently released a guide to address the pressure that practitioners regularly face from medical aid schemes, which states that doctors are obligated to provide a patient’s clinical information upon request from a scheme, without first obtaining the patient’s consent. Athol Gordon and Tarryn Venter of law firm Clyde & Co, writing on the Mondaq site, argue that the legal situation is more complex than the HPCSA claims.

The HPCSA released the guide in relation to medical practitioners being coerced by medical aid schemes into signing repayment agreements in the context of alleged fraudulent claims, the authors write."

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