Even mild coronavirus infection leads to antibodies — Pasteur Institute - Medical Brief 305 - 4 Jun 2020

Even mild coronavirus infection leads to antibodies — Pasteur Institute - Medical Brief 305 - 4 Jun 2020

Medical Brief 305 - 4 Jun 2020S

"A medical study in France suggests even mild cases of coronavirus infection, not requiring hospital treatment, produce antibodies in almost all patients, with the body’s defences against the virus increasing during the weeks of recovery. The Guardian reports that the research, led by a team from the Pasteur Institute, raises hopes that everyone who has had the disease could acquire some degree of immunity, although it is not clear for how long or to what degree.

The question of immunity has become one of the most vexed issues concerning coronavirus, in terms of governments’ public health policies – including the controversial herd immunity route – and in the understanding of the mechanics of the disease, which divides scientists. Early reports had suggested an absence or limited presence of antibodies in some individuals with mild symptoms.

The Guardian says the research, jointly led by Olivier Schwartz, head of the Pasteur Institute’s virus and immunity unit, took samples from more than 160 staff from the CHU Hospital, in Strasbourg, who became infected with COVID-19 early in March after a “super-propagation” event – linked to a five-day prayer and fasting gathering of the evangelical Christian Open Door church in Mulhouse, eastern France."

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