World in lockdown as global infections exceed 200,000 - MedicalBrief 294 - 19 March 2020

World in lockdown as global infections exceed 200,000 - MedicalBrief 294 - 19 March 2020

MedicalBrief 294 - 19 March 2020 

"Emergencies were declared in SA and Australia while the EU sealed its borders and infections surfaced in every state in the USA, writes MedicalBrief. In the UK, a chilling modelling study forced an abrupt change in government policy, warning that “draconian restrictions” are the only way to suppress a pandemic that will otherwise claim a quarter of a million lives.

The United States and Britain led a global fightback against the economic damage caused by the pandemic, with the Trump administration pressing for a $1trillion package of relief measures, while the UK government is promising £350bn. South Africa has sealed its border for travel to and fro from seriously affected countries, and European Union is effectively shutting for 30 days.

Internationally, experts predicted in The New Yorker that there would significan disruptions in public services and government internationally, with politicians and administrators falling victim to the virus.

In the US, five Republican lawmakers and two Democrats self-quarantined because of exposure to people who have tested positive. In Italy, the head of the Democratic Party and a co-partner in the coalition government, announced that he was infected and the medical chief of the Italian province of Varese died of covid-19."

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